Help with St. .Augustine grass, weeds and dogs
Becky1007 – posted 22 February 2009 16:15 I have a major problem with weeds and brown spots on my St. Augustine. Dogs have killed grass in back and we will resod. I need help...
Becky1007 – posted 22 February 2009 16:15 I have a major problem with weeds and brown spots on my St. Augustine. Dogs have killed grass in back and we will resod. I need help...
Sg – posted 02 November 2007 16:20 I live in Ocala, FL (central FL) and have 6 dogs. My back yard, or what is left, is a mix of St Augustine, weeds and dirt....
Bunky – posted 03 October 2004 23:47 I just built a home in the southern foothillsof the Sierra mts. and the house sits on asteep east-facing bluff at elevation of approximately 4300 feet. Worried...
lngrid – posted 02 April 2008 22:21 Hi. I wonder if I’m looking for the impossible. I work seven days a week and my fiance has serious medical problems that nearly prevent him from...
Whea – posted 28 April 2005 11:50 We are laying sod this weekend. I know that we need to water it like crazy at the beginning but what about after a month? It’s fescue...
jmtucker – posted 05 April 2003 20:51 we are about to put some St. Augustine sod down. Currently on the ground we have black dirt and builders fill dirt. Do we need to put...
timsmith79 – posted 29 May 2002 20:49 I have a newly sodded Bermuda Tifway 419 lawn that was installed about a month ago. My female dog’s urine is causing yellow spots to appear with...
Donna – posted 02 August 2005 15:30 I live in the Houston Galveston area with an old St. Augustine lawn that has developed numerous dead circles. The blades have totally shriveled & died, but...
Lination – posted 25 April 2011 19:26 Hello Ted, I live in Connecticut and need help with my grass. I have a small yard, but I am an avid gardener and would love to...
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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