Category: Solving problems

The first step in solving problems in lawns, sports fields, and golf courses is to describe the problem and put it into context. Many turf problems are noticed as a change, e.g., brown grass that was previously green. Others problems are a failure to meet expectations, e.g., a turf manager plants grass seed which does not grow. Both kinds of problems require a description of the problem and the context, either before vs. after or expectation vs. reality. Time and space are critical in describing a problem, for example, knowing when the grass was green or when the seed was planted.

Frost damage to bermudagrassMore complex turfgrass problems involve different entities. For example, your Homeowner’s Association contracted with an irrigation company to manage your irrigation system. After a few months the grass was dry. In this case the description should mention the dry grass, the history of when the grass was not dry, the ensuing weather, and importantly, what exactly was the responsibility of the irrigation company? Does anyone else share responsibility? What exactly does the contract say?

Solving problems in turfgrass is fascinating but takes rigor to describe as completely and as independently as possible the facts of the problem and the context in time, place, and responsibility. Solving problems also requires preparation in knowing the relationships of grasses, management, and environmental factors, and keeping an open-minded view of what is or is not “normal.”


pool back fill

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pro_builder – posted 06 March 2012 16:18 I recently filled in an old, cracked pool. Do I need to break up and remove the “cool deck” around the pool or can I simply cover...


new sod turning brown

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saf88 – posted 13 May 2013 12:05 We just installed new sod 4 days ago and it is already turning brown. Sod preps included tilling, fertilizing, and leveling. We have been watering for one...


Invasive grass

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tgrossi – posted 02 September 2013 12:02 I live in MI and have an invasive grass in my bluegrass. It has a low profile and is very soft. It grows in patches and the...


CuttingEdgeGrass A Fraud

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wdwflash – posted 04 October 2013 09:24 I ordered (online) a small bag of grass seed from the CuttingEdgeGrass web site.(3 Long Lake Way, Palm Coast, FL 32137) The site multiplied my order by...