Category: Management

Primary cultural practices of turfgrass are mowing, irrigation, and fertilization. Each is done for a purpose. Consistency is beneficial. Other cultural practices are pest management to control insects, mites, fungal diseases, nematodes, and weeds. A interesting challenge is solving problems.

Cultivation of turfgrass involves aerification such as core cultivation, verticutting or vertical mowing, slicing, and fraze mowing. Propagation and establishment of turfgrass is done by seed, sprigs, plugs, and sod depending on the species, its capability, and use requirements. Establishment of turfgrass is often a long-term commitment requiring site modification and other steps in orderly sequence starting with an objective for growing turfgrass in contrast to other vegetation groupings such as groundcovers

34-0-0 fertilizer 0

34-0-0 fertilizer

bassadict69 – posted 23 May 2005 14:54 When is the best time for using a fertilizer this high in nitrogen? What is the benefit of it? e34m5 – posted 24 May 2005 06:15 Will...

Poa Annua in Bermuda 0

Poa Annua in Bermuda

yardman – posted 15 May 2005 21:05 I have a lawn that is 2 years old. This spring the Poa Annua took over my yard. What can I do to rid my yard of...

New Sod—-scalped by mower 0

New Sod—-scalped by mower

tjg_67 – posted 20 May 2005 21:13 Hi- Looking for advice—New sod installed 2 weeks ago, I ran the mower over the new sod and didn’t realize an uneven area (slope) and inadvertently scalped...

Applying Iron to yard 0

Applying Iron to yard

bwmaier – posted 04 May 2005 13:53 I have hybrid bermuda and live near Atlanta, GA. I am a homeowner and want to make my yard that dark green color, but I want to...