Category: Establishment

time to lay sod?

Keatonwk – posted 30 March 2010 08:15 On average how long would it take to lay down 8 pallets of of sod? its 2400 sq feet. cohiba – posted 01 April 2010 06:05 There...

Festolium as a pet friendly lawn??

d.k – posted 02 June 2010 09:33 Hey guys! I have been considering the potentialproblems of high-endophyte lawns on small grazing pets and small backyard livestock for some time since I have had chickens...


stephe1n – posted 16 August 2010 12:05 I am planing to overseed my front lawn this fall. I am going to use a lawn solutions slit seeder. My llawn is very thick will this...