Kikuyu Grass turning yellow and dying
Charris – posted 25 May 2005 01:14
Hello to you all,
I have the follwing problem. My Kikuyu grass is having yellow spots that are increasing in diferent areas and are getting bigger. I use a 20-20-20 fertiliser if it helps, The soil is sandy and the lawn is 10 months old (grown from seed. I could not find a test kit to test the soil ph (If you know a web site that sell internationaly please send me the link)Unfortunately I live in Cyprus (Country in the Mediterranean Sea) that help is not that good. The weather is similar to Arizona climate.I took some photos and I placed them in the link below:
Charris – posted 26 May 2005 22:54
Can it be an overfertilisation?
Eric – posted 25 January 2006 16:06
Any luck with ur lawn problem? I have had the same problem now f or 2 years and still cant solve it.
tommy – posted 25 January 2006 20:31
Kikuyu can somtimes get a form of brown patch fungus. It usually shows up in winter, which is unusual for this type fungus. Almost any fungicide(labled for lawns) will help the problem……and also making sure the soil is not over watered and over fertilized. Aerifying will also help, as well as an application of gypsum.
Eric – posted 25 January 2006 20:34
Thanks I’ll try that out this week. Every one else I know seems to have problems getting rid of the Kihuyu I cant seem to keep it allive. Its just all stems now.
Evergreen – posted 07 August 2006 15:08
Hi. I am a gardener in the South Portuguese Algarve and have a small gardening company called Evergreen. I have been experiencing the same problem in almost all of my kikuyu lawns, and I haven’t come up with a solution for this problem. I’ll try your solution with the fungicide to see how it works, and I’ll let you guys know! Thanks!
joeearney – posted 13 August 2006 11:43
I would aerate the lawn first, check out for a hand aerator. You can buy them from I recommend both the spike type and the plug type, theyll cost you about 30 bucks each.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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