Is this good price for Drive 75 DF?
TurfGrass Man – posted 23 July 2010 09:08 This website is running a special on Drive 75 from BASF with free shipping. Does anyone else know of a lower delivered price? I need to...
TurfGrass Man – posted 23 July 2010 09:08 This website is running a special on Drive 75 from BASF with free shipping. Does anyone else know of a lower delivered price? I need to...
SimplyJLH1 – posted 13 March 2010 20:46 We are in Wake Forest / Raleigh North Carolina. We bought a new house and wanted to lay down bermuda. The existing yard was small clumps of...
WaltH – posted 02 April 2010 08:17 I live in Central Florida (Brevard) and have a Seville lawn. I know that Seville is a cultivar of St Augustine. As I look for fertilizer /...
cn90 – posted 03 May 2010 10:21 Last year I had quite a bit of nutsedge in my yard (Kentucky Blue Grass and Tall Fescue yard). I want to tackle the Nutsedge this year...
lrodptl – posted 23 August 2009 08:25 I transitioned my Kentucky Bluegrass lawn to an organic program this year. The results are a terribly weedy lawn. I had a 100% lush lawn that is...
rob1978 – posted 28 August 2009 10:06 i live on long island NY… my lawn is primarily tall fescue… i have been taken over by crabgrass and nut sedge!!! when i first started seeing...
GreatGuy – posted 02 September 2009 19:47 I understand that dog fennel is well controlled with a post-emergent, but does anyone know of a pre-emergent for dog fennel? i know fall is here, but...
luisc – posted 16 September 2009 09:07 I have some weeds in my St Augustine that I would like to get rid off. Is this stuff any good?
Fyrguy – posted 20 September 2009 10:57 I had Marathon II Sod installed a couple of years ago. Bermuda is making a huge presence. I have tried manually removing, but it spreads faster than...
g74dog – posted 11 October 2009 13:56 After finally finding some pictures of torpedo, I am pretty sure my lawn is becoming infested with this. How can I stop it? Free Man – posted...
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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