Category: Weeds


Weed Identification

sabermetrics – posted 09 March 2011 10:26 If you all could help identify these Central Florida weeds, I would appreciate it. Most of these weeds have survived a round of atrazine-based weed-n-feed. Spiny shaped...


Weed Identification

soup006 – posted 21 March 2011 17:51 Is the weed in this picture crabgrass? I don’t mean the chickweed, but the large bladed grass like weed that takes of most of the picture. I...


MSMA on Zoysia for crabgrass

SandiR – posted 16 August 2010 12:57 I recently sprayed MSMA on my Empire Zoysia at a rate of 8 tsp per 2-1/2 gallons of water. I’m wondering approximately how long it should take...


what is the best weed and feed?

kcreechs – posted 09 February 2011 13:19 I have argentine-bahia grass, and there all kinds of weeds in my yard. I pulled them by hand last year, but they’re back this year with a...


The real answer is???

WaltH – posted 02 April 2010 08:17 I live in Central Florida (Brevard) and have a Seville lawn. I know that Seville is a cultivar of St Augustine. As I look for fertilizer /...


Creeping Red Fescue’s Natural Weedkiller

d.k – posted 03 May 2010 14:31 Just read a couple articles about M-tyrosine, an exudate from the roots of F. rubra rubra that acts as a natural weedkiller. Supposedly, M-tyrosine is chemically close...