Bakingsoda (sodium bicarb, NaHCO3) on crabgrss

botanicalbill – posted 02 October 2010 17:42

I confirmed that it does indeed kill crabgrass. The NaHCO3 killed the grass in less then 6 hours.Today around noon I sprayed each zone for 5 min on the sprinkler system, just to wet the grass. I then tried two things, I used a spreader to dust the crabgrass and then I just spread it by hand. I went away, came back to a rainy day. I looked at the yard, the crabgrass turned black/brown where the NaHCO3 got on the crabgrass. No other grasses were effected. I bought 50# of NaHCO3 for $30 at a janatorial supply store. I just spot spread and put down, at the most 5#.Word had it costco/sams club/BJs all have 10# bags for $10 or so.

NaHCO3 will break down into water, salt and carbon dioxide.

botanicalbill – posted 03 October 2010 08:21

<img src=><img src=>(How do I turn on HTML?)

botanicalbill – posted 21 October 2010 14:12

The areas in direct sun, the crab grass bounced back. The areas in the shade, it was a complete kill and the zoysia is as green as could be.

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