Planting tall fescue next to St. Augustine sod
firemancdw – posted 07 May 2015 12:43 I just recently built a house and put down 40 pallets of St. Augustine. This did not get me to the edges of my property and I...
There are seven major genera of warm-season turfgrasses and four less commonly used genera. For each genus the species are listed below by scientific name followed by the English common name in parentheses. The scientific name of plants is almost always a binomial with two parts, a generic name which is always capitalized followed by a specific epithet which is never capitalized, governed by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Italicization of scientific names is purely a typographic convention to indicate the non-English nature of the name, and is not required. English common names of true grasses (species of Poaceae), when combined with the group name “grass,” are written in a compound word without a hyphen (Kartesz and Thieret, 1991). Common names are capitalized only when derived from proper nouns such as surnames and place names, and canonizations. The genera and their species are:
Axonopus spp. (carpetgrasses): Axonopus affinis (common carpetgrass), Axonopus compressus (tropical carpetgrass)
Buchloe dactyloides (buffalograss)
Cynodon spp. (bermudagrasses, couch): Cynodon dactylon (common bermudagrass), Cynodon transvaalensis (African bermudagrass), Cynodon magennissii (hybrid bermudagrass)
Eremochloa ophiuroides (centipedegrass)
Paspalum spp: Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass), Paspalum vaginatum (seashore paspalum, saltene in Australia)
Stenotaphrum secundatum (St. Augustinegrass, buffalograss in Australia and Republic of South Africa)
Zoysia spp. (zoysiagrasses): Zoysia japonica (Japanese zoysiagrass), Zoysia matrella (Manilagrass), Zoysia tenuifolia (Korean templegrass)
Additionally (there are four other warm-season grasses in different genera: Bothriochloa pertusa (Seymourgrass or hurricane grass), Dactyloctenium australe (Durban), Digitaria didactyla (Queensland blue couch), Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama).
Warm-season grasses have C4 metabolism which enables them to grow efficiently at high sunlight in hot, dry climates.
firemancdw – posted 07 May 2015 12:43 I just recently built a house and put down 40 pallets of St. Augustine. This did not get me to the edges of my property and I...
Goodcatch375 – posted 08 April 2013 15:21 I planted centipede last May.. Did great, now it’s real brittle and brown.. Will it recover or is it dead? I live in eastern NC and we...
Kumbaroo – posted 11 April 2014 11:12 I live in signal hill, california ( south LA coastal area)I’m very new to lawn maintenance, but have decent experience of vegetable garden/plant care. I have a...
Pilldoc90 – posted 20 May 2012 20:55 Stripped yard of all grass and weed last summer. Added topsoil, leveled yard, added irrigation and drainage. Seeded 2lbs per 1000 ft with Zenith zoysia. Having issue...
jazzcat – posted 01 July 2012 18:35 I have a strip of am area aprox 3′ x 15 and I want it look magical and lush, like fescue that has been unmowed. I had...
Capt Al – posted 07 July 2012 07:41 I’m in Eastern NC and last week I had a new Centipede Sod put down and it seems to putting roots down already because, I Think,...
Derwinm – posted 23 July 2012 17:54 I recently Inherited acreage and I’m contemplating starting a sod farm. I have not seen a plethora of centipede sod farms in Texas and see an opportunity...
Phil Thomas – posted 03 October 2012 09:03 I am 55 years old and have plenty of experience with establishing a lawn. I usually re-do my lawn every five years or so due to...
pks2141 – posted 14 December 2011 11:09 Well I started a project by seed for a lawn that was mostly weeds and dirt when I started in Titusville, FL. (Central FL, East Coast near...
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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