Category: St. Augustinegrass

Help with dead spots

zero610 – posted 25 September 2011 17:58 I have St. Augustine grass and with the drought we’ve had in Houston, I have patches of dead grass. It was my fault for not watering like...

Take All Root Rot

Chad7871 – posted 19 June 2011 20:37 Hello, I live in SW Louisiana and I believe I have and case of “Take All Root Rot” in my front yard ( I would like a...

High tempiture Fertilization

RiverClubOwner – posted 22 June 2011 17:53 On 6/20 at 12:45pm the temp was 92 went to 95+ later that day. A national company put nitrogen/talstar/manor/urea on my grass The next day day turned...

Argentine Bahia

hummingbird – posted 01 June 2011 19:20 I have centipede grass that I put in 4 yrs ago. It is not nothing but brown runners. The only green is the weeds. I live on...

I need help desperatly!

DavidC011 – posted 07 June 2011 21:24 I have got a st augustine lawn, every year something goes wrong! I keep getting something that is making my grass look fried and doesnt grow back!...

St. Augustine Problem

heyjude146 – posted 25 May 2011 13:21 My St. Augustine lawn in the north Houston area is not doing well. In the summer of 2009 chinch bugs hit it hard and I dethatched the...