Category: Bahiagrass

Bahiagrass, Paspalum notatum, is a warm-season, sod-forming grass used in pastures and lawns with two commonly used cultivars with contrasting chromosome numbers, 2n=20 for diploid ‘Pensacola’ and 2n=40 for ‘Argentine.’ The latter is also apomictic so all plants in a population can be somatic clones. Bahia performs well as turf throughout southeastern United States in low-maintenance lawns, highways, parks, and utility areas such as roadsides, especially large landscapes with full direct sun. Bahiagrass originated in the New World, probably southern South America, although it was widely distributed in Latin America throughout the 1800s. The species is tall and coarse-textured and may be objectionable in lawns because of tall (74 cm) seedheads and frequent need for mowing during the peak of the flowering season. But its drought avoidance and wild look make it esthetically compatible with native plant landscapes. Bahiagrass can be aggressive and weedy in conservation areas. There has been considerable expansion in east Asia.


Bahiagrass & irrigation

KenH – posted 20 September 2003 06:13 I am building a home in SW Florida and have contracted with the builder to have bahiagrass sodded. I initially thought it would be a good idea...


Establishing bahia—weed and feed?

flarrfan – posted 21 April 2004 17:28 I have seeded some large bare spots in my west central Fla. St. Augustine lawn with Pensacola bahiagrass. Several other homes in the neighborhood have bahia, and...


Argentine Bahia pasture

scweimlady – posted 13 January 2004 13:20 In 1994 we planted 10 acres in Argentine Bahia (A/B) as a pasture for our horses. It did well over several yrs and we had to mow...


bahia grass seeding

ernie – posted 01 July 2009 15:45 A lanscaper said to grow a better lawn with bahia grass to let go to seed.the seed heads have grown, how tall do they have to get...


Pensacola Bahia pasture help

026TB4U – posted 26 January 2005 10:08 Hi everyone, I purchased a 20 acre property in Brooksville, FL last year. It was not maintained and overgrown with brush and weeds. We rototillered but did...


Seeding Argentine vs Bahia Grass

gjandtjsmom – posted 01 May 2011 13:54 I’m hoping someone can help me decide between the two.We are seeding our yard which is very dry. I’ve read that Argentine is better-looking with less seed...


pen bahia

swunderle – posted 24 August 2002 17:01 I have been trying to decide what type of sod to put in my front yard. I like pensocola bahia, Would it be ok to use this...


argentine bahia

hbosely – posted 21 May 2002 22:46 I need to know if Argentine bahia will make a decent looking lawn. I have seen a couple of comments on websites saying it makes a “beautiful...