Broadleaf Weed Control in Bermuda

Jauhiainen – posted 26 November 2001 06:32

What should I put down to control broadleaf weeds in my Bermuda lawn?

Mike Turner – posted 29 November 2001 19:31

quote:Originally posted by Jauhiainen:What should I put down to control broadleaf weeds in my Bermuda lawn?

Jauhiainen, i’m not sure what part of the world you are from, but you might try a pre-emergent, if the plant gone for the winter. if not any good broadleaf weed killer would do just fine. just make sure you follow the directions, including tempeture.

George777 – posted 10 December 2001 19:26

The first step to fighting weeds is to ID it, If not sure look in your phone book for a Lesco dealer and if one is in your area they will set you up. Post-Emergents are for exsisting weeds. Ensure you follow the label as the label is the LAW>

aacomi – posted 06 August 2005 09:09

quote:Originally posted by Jauhiainen:What should I put down to control broadleaf weeds in my Bermuda lawn?

go to home depot or lowes and purchase some weed-b-gon concentrate. you can also add some msma from your local co-op store. if you have a sprayer to pull behind your mower, this is all you will need. the sprayer is worth the investment.

Buck – posted 06 August 2005 18:51

If your bermuda is a hybrid, the last thing you want to do is hit it weed-b-gone or a similar product. Read that as turf-b-gone.

So, the first thing you want to do is identify the weed. I’d go to the NC State Decision aid found here: Http://

After you have identifed the weed, follow along and find the best product for management. It sounds to me like you do not need a wide spectrum product that is likwly to harm your turf, particularly during the heat of the summer. The NCSU decsion aids identifed my weed, spotted spurge, suggested Speed Zone Southern as a management product and so-long spurge and the 419 never noticed. This is a highly selective product, spurge and crab grass, very focused and I think that is what you need. Concentrate on the weed that is giving the problem; you do not need to kill 100 different types of weed. A couple of years ago I used WBG — took a month for the turf to recover.

I also question a broadcast application as has been suggested. Pump-up sprayer with the correct product, hit the weeds selectively, leave the rest alone.

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