bleached out looking lawn
DOUGC42 – posted 15 June 2004 20:53
I fertilized our lawn this spring with a highly regarded name brand weed and feed fertilizer. There has been rain nearly every other day. So lack of water should not be a problem. Areas of the lawn have turned a light blrached out color. What’s going on and how can I correct it?
MelbourneFL – posted 16 June 2004 04:22
I had a similar prob. To get the color back I picked up a bottle (2.5 gallons! should last me about 2 years at least) of chelated iron plus 12-0-0 from lesco and used orthos new hose sprayer (the one with the dial on top). The color came back in days!
Gill-state certifed tech. – posted 26 June 2004 21:50
First, be sure it’s not some type of fungus. If the patches are circular, it could very well be a fungus. If the turf is thin in these areas, soil compaction could be a problem as well. Aeration or topdressing would help. If you can provide some pictures, I’ll do my best to help you out.
Dallas_Stephen – posted 03 August 2004 19:03
I’m having the same problem. The yard is green, but I have a patch of yellowish green blades. They aren’t dying (I don’t think)the grass is just discolored. They are a few patches in the yard. At first I thought that it was dying, but it never did. Did you ever find out what’s wrong with it?
Bermudagrass_OKC – posted 23 August 2004 20:39
Hey, I have the problem too. I just fertilized, but I got 3.5 inches of rain that night and have watered it periodically since. I don’t think it’s burnt. It’s been unseasonably cool, so I’m hoping the hot days in the forecast will help. Any suggestion?
Alex_in_FL – posted 25 August 2004 18:22
Too much rain can wash the fertilizer from the soil. Especially if you use a fast release product. You might need iron.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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