zoysia sodding
yard guy – posted 05 August 2003 15:15
Today is 8/5/03. Is it too late to plant empire zoysia sod in central North Carolina?
turftoe – posted 05 August 2003 20:09
generally, the rule of thumb for zoysia is 90 days before the first expected frost or days are consistently less than 70 .
yard guy – posted 05 August 2003 21:04
should the sod be fertilized after it is put in place?
redbird – posted 06 August 2003 05:15
Zoysia should be fertilized w/starter fertilizer about 14 days after laying the sod (after you are sure that rooting has begun). You can coinfirm this by seeing if the sod adheres to the ground when you attempt to lift it and there are white root hairs extending from the sod into the soil. The recommended starter fertilizer for zoysia runs something like 10-10-4. I could’nt find this locally, so I used a 26-26-10 fertilizer and laid it at 1/2 the recommended rate on the bag. It made a huge difference – I strongly recommend that you do this to get those roots started.
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