What steps to take on crab grass, in ga on bermuda grass?
fusioncom – posted 14 February 2005 17:07
I live in Georgia and my front lawn was sodded back in oct of last year. The yard is purely brown right now, however in the cracks of sod there grows what I assume to be crab grass. I just did a pre emergent from lesco that also has a fertilizer. But after reading the bag I realized this wont kill the weeds, crabgrass that already exist. Whats the best thing I can do to get rid of these grass? I can take pics if that will help
ted – posted 14 February 2005 18:37
you nailed it. the cracks in your sod are caused by an installation problem. i’m sure you’re not seeing crabgrass now in ga. how about some pics?
fusioncom – posted 19 February 2005 07:04
ok here are the links to the pics
Just looking for the best option to get rid of these jokers. I saw some ortho 250+ plus weed killer, that wont harm your lawn stuff at lowes. But wasnt sure if its what I needed.
[This message has been edited by fusioncom (edited 19 February 2005).]
ted – posted 19 February 2005 10:51
chief, that’s fescue grass, a turfgrass in your area or possibly poa trivialis (bluegrass). it’s a turfgrass, so you’ll need to either Roundup it ( which it could be too late in the season) or wait until the weather warms up and fertilize the bermuda aggressively and let the bermuda choke it out. it’s all due to the poor installation job we discussed earlier. don’t use a weed control product on it! it won’t work. Lesco (in atlanta) also has a Tall Fescue Control product that you might be able to buy. it’s a turfgrass, not a weed so nothing at a hardware store will work. try lesco.
bwmaier – posted 21 February 2005 16:09
I used some Image on my hybrid bermuda last spring/summer. I live in Paulding County. It doesn’t take much to take care of your fescue problem. It also retarded the growth of my bermuda for about 3-4 weeks and turned it a light green/yellow. It didn’t kill it, but it was definitely noticible and not a pretty sight. But, I have virtually no fescue now. If I recall, that stuff works best during periods of warm temps. May or may not work now. Read the label and water it in after 24 hours. Maybe ted or others have some additional thoughts on Image. Good luck.
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