Weird Looking Grass
GrassMaster – posted 13 May 2004 17:11
Maybe this is normal…but my grass, within the past week, has started looking almost like it’s wheat…with wheat like growths at the tips.
FYI…I’m in the Detroit area and we’ve had pretty hot temps recently…80’s. Any help would be appreciated.
cohiba – posted 13 May 2004 18:30
Is it long seed stalks on top of the turf? Could be ryegrass seed (panicles) heads? Pictures would be helpful….
I cannot tell for sure…..
ted – posted 13 May 2004 20:09
has it recently been seeded?
josepht – posted 13 May 2004 22:07
when it was seeded did you use wheat straw to cover it happens alot in the carolinas
GrassMaster – posted 14 May 2004 04:28
I wish I had a digital camera to post pictures…but for now my description will have to do
It’s about the length of normal grass, but these wheat like projections coming from a shoot like structure. I didn’t seed this year…I did notice some of my neighbors having the same thing.
cohiba – posted 14 May 2004 05:31
Could it be our old enemy…Poa Annua???look around at other posts to see a pic of poa annua and compare.
Let us know….
GrassMaster – posted 15 May 2004 06:10
It’s not poa annua…I think it might be rye…since a lot of other people have it too.
cohiba – posted 15 May 2004 06:41
If it is ryegrass, It would have a stalk type of seedhead,about 10-12″ tall. It is a strange phenomenon. We mow our tees at 1/2″ and each spring we get these same panicles. We actually have to weedeat them down close to the ground so our mowers can than take care of them. (Note: we use reel mowers on our tees) Fortunatley it is a short lived phenomenon and will go away once mowed down. However, we usually experience this in June. It seems a little early for this.
Good Luck…..
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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