Turf Grass for San Diego
Golfgal93 – posted 28 February 2003 17:48
I am interested in Zoysia for San Diego and really like the Turf I have seen in Maryland which I believe is Meyers 52. They seem to sell something called El Toro out here, but it strikes me as coarser than Meyers and not nearly as beautiful.
Please advise as to best Zoysia for San Diego and where to buy?
frenchman – posted 28 February 2003 23:08
El Toro is more aggressive and grows quicker. Meyers is alittle greener and doesn’t creep as fast as El Toro, but you can make either one of them beautiful if you fertilize right and know about iron. I put 800yds of El Toro in my yard last year and love it. I spray Multigreen, Liquid green and Withstand on my yard and dam it looks good. The part about where to get it in Cal, I can’t answer that because I’m not from there.
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