tiffgreen slow recovery
AZGRASSMAN – posted 11 May 2003 06:39
Hello all of you fellow turf lovers.I made a bad mistake last fall,I thatched in the fall. now my turf is thin and looks real bad,but in some areas it looks good. I have tiffgreen sod 6yrs old. I live in mesa az. I didnt know not to thatch in the fall. It gets min 4hrs to 8hrs of sun, have been doing selective pruning of trees. any sugustions. have ferterlized 21-7-14. how long should it take to recover???
Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 28 June 2003 00:38
If this question was asked yesterday instead of a month and a half ago, I would ask how high you’re mowing, how often you’re watering, and how much. These may still be valid questions if the problem hasn’t gone away.
By now you probably know a lot more about the situation. I would guess that your areas that receive 8 hours of sun are doing better than the areas that get only 4.
I’ve seen smothered tiff take well over a year to recover. And I would not call that recovered. The owner did not either. He recently use RoundUp to take out everything as the weeds pretty much took over. But smothered is not the same as your problem.
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