St Augustine gap filler

Tommy – posted 31 May 2002 06:24

I recently sodded my yard with St. Augustine In the large open area out front I spaced out the pieces rather than laying them solid because of the large area to cover. Is there a grass that I can seed in bewteen the St. Augustine to prevent erosion until the St. Augustine fills in. Something that the St. Augustine will choke out as it spreads? I do not want something that will fight the SA for domination.

wdrake – posted 31 May 2002 07:17

You might try Carpetgrass. It looks more like Centipede than St Augustine,but should do OK while the St Augustine gets established. Carpetgrass should go into decline as you increase fertilizing the sod and cut back watering; i.e., when the St Augustine puts down deep roots and needs less frequent watering.

Tommy – posted 31 May 2002 13:09

Thanks for the info.

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