Sod vs Plugs
suggestuse – posted 28 October 2006 12:41
I read in a book “Ortho About Lawns” that after planting plugs, they will take about 2 years to become strong and established.
but sod takes 3 weeks. Why is that? Aren’t plugs the same as a piece of sod?
TexanOne – posted 28 October 2006 15:51
Yes, it’s true they are the same material, but there is one big difference:
Sod contains several stolons (runners) that are already established, growing, and ready to expand out into areas beyond the sod patch – plugs don’t have developed stolons.
I have established a couple of pure St Augustine yards by buying just a few square yards of sod, planting them intact without cutting, and then letting the runners take over.
The few times I have used plugs, I noticed they take several months just to get established.
If you have a choice – go sod!
hankhill – posted 28 October 2006 23:07
One advantage of plugs is that they’re moretolerant of mistakes in watering duringestablishment, since the roots are deeper.
chap914 – posted 24 December 2006 15:42
Whats the easiest (least strenuous) way to install sod over poor areas of an existing lawn?
Alex_in_FL – posted 28 February 2007 20:35
I have heard of folks succeeding by doing the following: roundup the existing sod, mow it so low that you scalp the yard, a wek later then soak the ground and put down the sod.
That said, my question is, if your going to spend the money to resod your lawn, why not just do it right?
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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