Soccer field grass
D.C.Sharma – posted 27 February 2003 04:40
I am a consultant to FIFA building a soccer stadium. I have been recommended the Que Que Grass for turfing by the authorities but I haven’t been able to find it anywhere. can anyone tell me if grass called que que is available and where can i find the seeds. if not, what is the best grass i should use for a world standard stadium? (budget no bar)
frenchman – posted 27 February 2003 22:31
First where are you located? Never heard of Oue Oue grass. I played soccer in high school and from my experience of playing soccer I would probably go with zoysia. The grass is so thick that the ball will lay on top and the grass is wear tolerant. Also bermudagrass is good.
Princess – posted 12 March 2003 09:53
I also need recommendations for grass in a tropical climate (Caribbean). I’ve been reading much on Bermudagrass which seems to be the choice. However, any other suggestions as irrigation may be an issue (lack of rainfall, salty water)
bastante – posted 16 May 2005 16:28
I need to have seed for my northwest soccer field near Seattle/Tacoma Washington. I hear fescue and ryegrass blends are best for wear and tear and high traffic in my climate zone…is this true??
Harbormaster – posted 18 May 2005 12:35
Paspalum would work well in that area and salinity would not be an issue.
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