Searching for tree
de.smith – posted 22 March 2005 12:53
I am looking for 2 trees destroyed from my house outside Mobile AL by Hurricane Ivan. One my grandfather called a “sweet olive” and the other was a tree with tiny black berries that grew in bunches, like grapes, with shiny oval green leaves. Birds LOVED the berries, but got them drunk and went right through them. Do you have any idea the real name to these trees, and do you have any idea where I could get them in Mobile? Thanks.
joe dokes – posted 22 March 2005 15:24
you are in the wrong forum. We talk about turf.
Turfmiester – posted 14 April 2005 20:40
Sweet Olive Tree (Osmanthus fragrans) There are quite a few nursuries in the Houston area that sell the Sweet Olive Tree.
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