
cas6708 – posted 29 July 2004 14:27

I live in central Texas and have Tiff-419 grass. I had not been able to mow for about 2 weeks because of all the rain we received. Then I mowed and it looks bad. 70% of the yard is brown. And not just the slight brown I expect after mowing bermuda. It looks almost dead brown. But since bermuda is hard to kill, would an application of nitrogen and/or iron help it green up quickly?

If so, does anyone have any suggestions as to what product or products to use?

ted – posted 29 July 2004 19:18

you would want to determine if it had fungus or not first ( probably does) if so, nitrogen would be like putting gas on a fire! otherwise if it dries out, you could go ahead with normal fertilization as usual.

cas6708 – posted 29 July 2004 20:53

I don’t think I have fungus, weeds but not fungus. I have a good slope to part of my yard and french drains in the other parts.

I just wasn’t able to mow because it rained off and on everyday for almost 2 weeks.

For weeds I have quite a bit of nutsedge. Tried Image and it seemed to only work on about half of the nutsedge in my yard.

I think I just cut the yard too low. Would Ironite help? Or is there a better product for iron?

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