New St. Augustine is dying :(
Cluless Grass Girl – posted 17 July 2004 06:20
4 weeks ago I put down St. Augustine grass in my front yard. I live in Central Florida. I think I may have watered it too much. Since it was so hot, and the grass was wilting, I was watering twice a day the first 10 days and have now tapered down to every other day. (I know you’re supposed to only water when it’s wilting, but I’m seldom home during the hot part of the day to see.) It was growing fast. I was mowing weekly on the highest setting for my mower, but there was still a good bit of mowed blades laying on top of the lawn after it was mowed.
Seems like it slowly started dying from the beginning. About 2 weeks after putting it in, I found mushrooms everywhere. So I cut back on the watering to every two or three days. That took helped with the mushrooms, but the grass started turning brown. And now, no matter how much I water, throughout out my lawn, half my grass is dead. Seems like it’s dead in the spots where the mowed blades are lying. I can just pick up the brown grass and there’s nothing but dirt underneath.
How can I save it? Should I rake up all the dead stuff and leave all the bare spots showing? Fertilize it? I’m guessing cut back on the water would help. You guys sound so knowledgeable. Please help a clueless lady who just wants to save her lawn!
ted – posted 17 July 2004 19:31
you can not water your lawn at all and have fungus! i don’t think you’re overwatering as much as you should have used a fungicide. proper soil testing and fertilization can help you to deterimine the problem. you only want to water as conditions dictate, not on a schedule. i would say 3 times a week now should get it in the absence of rainfall- buy a rain guage and try to get down 2-3 inches a week in each section from whatever water source. i would imagine that with your heat levels that you’re having alot of “et” that is evaporation of water out of the soil, but i would refer you to one of the florida folks that post on this board frequently.
Alex_in_FL – posted 23 July 2004 20:45
I agree with Ted – I suspect you have a fungus due to over/poor watering practices initially. No rain and you may need to water 2 or 3 times per week.
Suggest you have your soil/grass tested. Or spray your lawn with fungicide and pesticide (get a bottle and hook to your hose) or even have a professional come out. Usually a pro will cost about $10-$25 more than spraying for both yourself.
Watering – you need to water when the blades begin to turn light colored and fold up. Or when your foot prints stay in the grass for many seconds. Water deeply (say 1″ or slightly more) when you water to encourage strong/deep roots.
Most of the time 2 X a week is enough. If extremely hot then you may need 3 X per week and may even have to water a hot spot 1 extra time each week with a hose. Just make sure you don’t shallow water and get shallow roots. Get a rain gauge or just a large pan, put in yard, turn on sprinkler and see how much water you put out.
AlexI want to die in my sleep like Granddad, not like the passengers screaming in his car.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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