New St Augustine is dying
frontline – posted 09 May 2004 16:18
Hey all. about 6 or so weeks ago I put down St Augustine Grass. Everything was going swimmingly well. I had installed a new sprinkler system to ensure proper watering. Then about three weeks ago I noticed grubs and what I thought to be a sign of early chinch bug damage.So I put down some dursban that I had saved (the bag was sealed until I used it). Then two weeks ago (the following week) I noticed some sign of distress and put down some fungicide (scotts) just to be sure.This past Friday (two days ago) I noticed fresh signs of distress. I thought this might be due to the fat that Im cutting back on watering (county regs say you can only water every day for the first 30 days after installation).Well On Saturday the affected area was noticably larger. And again this morning. I left for about 5 hours today and saw the disease had spread like wild fire.
I think it may be (and am dreading it if it is) dry root rot, but Im not sure. Cany anyone help?
Id post an image of the affected grass bordered by the healthy grass but for some reason the BBS is saying I cant post images. So here is a link to the image
Please help me if you can
ted – posted 09 May 2004 17:34
you’re right, you are losing your mind…seriously, i can’t really tell from the pics what’s going on, but for sure the products you purchased will not treat the problems you described! probably time to call in a pro. how long /how much did you water this grass, also where do you live?- i’m assuming florida.
frontline – posted 09 May 2004 18:30
Thanks for replying. I live in the Tampa area. I was giving it about an inche a day for the first 30 days per what the University of Florida Cooperative Extension service suggested.
As for loosing my mind…Look Ive gotta keep what precious little I have left
ted – posted 09 May 2004 20:20
ok, i’ll refer this one over to the florida folks- lots of them on this board. sounds like you way overwatered it. but you may have bugs and disease as well. i tell people whether it’s sodding or seeding to keep it lightly watered for about 2 weeks, only, then resume normal watering.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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How do you post pictures...found link to images, but still unable to post pics.