Need grass for NE sand
Niki – posted 18 May 2001 04:45
I live at lake in Nebraska that was formed by a sand pit co. Therefore our yard is almost pure sand, when ever we can get something to start to grow it usually gets burned up before it matures and thickens. Any suggestions would be appreciated, the last person I talked to basically said to haul in a bunch of dirt, if it didn’t cost so much I would. Please reply to ni**@pl**********.net
Thank you Niki
wdrake – posted 18 May 2001 06:54
You might consider Buffalograss. I understand that this is the one and only true turfgrass native to the US. It is indigenous to the Great Plains. Check out U of N recommendations and views at:
Whatever you try you’ll probably have to add more fertilizer and water than your neighbors with real Vs sandy soil. I live on a sand pile in NW Florida and my lawn needsfertilizer 3 or 4 times a year and ¾ to 1 inch of water a week. I doubt Buffalograss will need that much water or fertilizer, but what do I know .. Talk to your local county agent. You can find a list at:
Bill Drake
[Note: This message has been edited by seed]
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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