Need 4 acrees of lawn to be level!!!!
lapequesalsera – posted 24 March 2010 07:38
My husband and I just bought this house in the outside of town/countryish area….we need to level the yard, everytime it rains, the yard becomes an area of little ponds here and there, our house is kinda on the middle and we do not get any water in (Thank God) but we need to do this ASAP, my husband is pretty handy, his dad has a tractor ans some other stuff he is planning on using, but the idea scares me!!! and I do not want to see my green grass go!Any tips will be greatly appreciated!
tommy – posted 25 March 2010 08:53
You can order some top soil to use for leveling the low spots, and then re-seed after everything is level.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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