Grass is turning to straw and dying
jaxjeffand kathy – posted 03 July 2008 17:09
My St. Augustine grass is turning to straw and dying. I thought it was bugs but after spraying and such it is still dying and spreading the straw death. I have included pictures below. Please help. Thanks.
[This message has been edited by jaxjeffand kathy (edited 05 July 2008).]
Almaroad – posted 05 July 2008 10:01
Where do you live?What is your watering schedule, how much/when?What insecticide did you spread?What/when did you fertilize?I’ll try to help, but need a lot more info.
jaxjeffand kathy – posted 05 July 2008 19:55
Where do you live? Jacksonville Florida
What is your watering schedule, how much/when? I only water when the grass needs it, approximately 2 times a week. I water approximately 1/2 hour per zone.
What insecticide did you spread? Triazicide
What/when did you fertilize? Four time a year. I just put down Scotts Turf Builder.
[This message has been edited by jaxjeffand kathy (edited 05 July 2008).]
brevard – posted 22 September 2008 22:58
This is the same thing I’ve got goin in Melbourne Beach.
I suspect it is a fungus issue- either brown patch or Take All Root Rot.
Guess we should be putting down some fungicide and holding back on the water.
Mine is so bad I’m probably going to just re-sode the areas that browned out.
Also, I guess we’re not supposed to put fertilizer in the area, as nitrogen makes it worse.
Good luck.. get some lawn fungus control
japple – posted 21 December 2008 08:11
These don’t appear to be fungus pics. I am in Palm Coast and can be available to come by and take a look. I do charge a bottled water. But can help if your problem is not rectified.
Mr. Green – posted 29 March 2009 06:38
Our entire neighborhood has had problems with brown patch over the past few years. I have tried various fungicides and found one that stands out above the rest. It’s organic and made from garlic (stinks too). My neighbors have been resistant to trying it because of the price and probably the smell. It works incredible well though.
My yard now stands out as the best in the neighborhood. Whenever I see neighbors outside I yell out, “look at mine…it’s the Greenest of the Green!” You gotta have a little fun in life.
Garlic GP is available at
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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