dollar spot/brown patch
John Tramontana – posted 03 August 2004 11:27
My lawn is bluegrass, however, I am not sure what variety.I have dollar spot and am going to try putting down some finely cracked corn as I cannot get cornmeal in bulk bags. Will this help control the fungus? Can this also be used as a preventative earlier in the season…will this inhibit seedling growth if i overseed in the fall. I have used other commercial fertilizers as preventatives and curatives but nothing works longterm.. How can I prevent this in the future. I mow and bag twice a week and only water in early am…HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
ted – posted 03 August 2004 15:46
don’t use corn meal- you need to use ( or have someone use) professional fungicides- most fungus can be prevented or at least minimized by proper watering/ pics for proper disease id
Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 03 September 2004 12:54
Clearly ted (unregistered) has not registered nor tried corn meal in the past year. Corn meal works great against those fungal diseases. The research proving it continues at Texas A&M University at Stephenville. The beauty of corn meal is that
1. It certainly does no harm if it doesn’t work.2. It does work. It takes 3 weeks to kill it off and then the grass will return. 3. It works on nearly all turf fungal diseases without going through any identification waiting period. You don’t have to guess about anything. 4. We know it doesn’t work on turf that is fully engulfed with rust disease. The solution for that is 3 ounces of baking soda per gallon of water sprayed on the rust.
Now I’ll sit back and wait for ted to rant about corn meal. Just wait, it will come long before he gives it a try. These organic solutions really grate on the guys who won’t try them.
ted – posted 05 September 2004 19:45
that’s because it’s a crock! by your own admission a and m did the testing on peanuts, not turfgrass.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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