st augustine seed tips turning brown
rickkil23 – posted 04 July 2014 04:17 good morning, I was hoping someone here could help me with this issue. as stated in subject, I am having issues with my st Augustine lawn, it...
rickkil23 – posted 04 July 2014 04:17 good morning, I was hoping someone here could help me with this issue. as stated in subject, I am having issues with my st Augustine lawn, it...
LawnLover871 – posted 31 March 2015 15:30 Hi everyone. I just planted tall fescue two weeks ago and it was coming up well until I noticed some of the blades looked bleached. The sprouts...
jwhdfw – posted 03 July 2012 09:50 Dear Users – I live up in the DFW Metroplex where for about the last 5 summers, the heat and lack rainfall has broken records almost every...
janicem – posted 14 July 2012 15:59 I had a landscaper plant new bluegrass sod in June. I have a hot spot and a shady area and was told to water hot spot for...
stagarm – posted 18 July 2012 17:58 I have 10 Full size baseball fields and I have been having grass turn purple with yellowing. I can email a photo. Please help!! ddNOTFERTILIZER – posted...
tak1983 – posted 14 April 2012 08:42 All, I have been to this site a number of times but now I finally joined for some help. I have had great beautiful green grass all...
Clanders – posted 28 May 2012 20:08 I decided to start a new lawn this year and since I wanted to pick a grass that is drought tolerant burmuda was my choice. I live...
garcia – posted 03 June 2012 21:54 Help!!! I cut my new tall fescue sod (two weeks old) too short. What should I do to minimize possible damage?? I was watering it daily before...
ClarkH – posted 11 May 2011 05:26 I have an area of very sick and dying grass. Each year it expands a bit. If I dig out a clump of sod I find a...
rodneysayaboc – posted 19 July 2011 16:38 I killed my st. augustine grass about 4 yrs ago and planted sod (marathon grass) from our local home depot. I live in Califonia and like to...
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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