Category: Bermudagrass

Bermuda runners vs St Augustine spread

charles-2009 – posted 31 July 2010 16:34 Greetings I’m in eastern Virginia on Chesapeake Bay. Historically most people have fescue lawns around here but folks are having some success with either St Augustine or...


raym – posted 14 August 2010 11:10 While on vacation my sons friend cut our bermuda lawn with the wrong mower with the deck set very low. I usually cut it to about 3+”,...

Timing for Bermuda

Ryan B – posted 29 August 2010 19:36 Hi. I currently have a fescue yard and crab grass pretty much 95% took over in the hot summer this year. I have an irrigation system,...

Drought Tolerant Fescue

Mint Hill Lawnboy – posted 26 July 2010 12:29 I live in northeast Charlotte, NC in a small town called Mint Hill. My home faces south and we have always had Bermuda grass in...

Bare strip on North of house

TerryK – posted 02 July 2010 11:42 I have a strip of lawn about 10 feet wide all along the north side of the house that doesn’t have any bermuda growing on it. There...

need advice on late sod put in.

tbriggs – posted 20 May 2010 08:56 just moved to alabama and the sod was put down in march.the problem was it was not watered or fertilized until may.the grass is getting green but...