need advice on late sod put in.
tbriggs – posted 20 May 2010 08:56
just moved to alabama and the sod was put down in march.the problem was it was not watered or fertilized until may.the grass is getting green but alot of spots where the sod looks like new to bermuda i always had fescue grass.i did aerate the yard but should i be a little patient.could i have a bad batch of sod?the sod looks thin and dosent look like it is growing much.thanks for any replys.
tommy – posted 21 May 2010 22:32
Those patches are probably completely dead, and the dead grass gets in the way of new runners trying to spread that way. Take a weed whip and scalp the dead areas, and if you want quicker coverage, get a few rolls of bermuda sod,(some nurseries sell it on the weekend), and plug new grass in the dead spots.
tbriggs – posted 22 May 2010 06:11
thanks for the not sure what type of plugs to put in yard?i thought some strips were dead but some people say bermuda would grow thru those bad spots.i was thinking about plugs but not sure what type to put in the yard.where can i order some plugs from?again thanks for the help.
Alex_in_FL – posted 22 May 2010 07:29
Agree with Tommy.
Instead of buying sod, just get a plugger and take some plugs from the good sod and put in the bare areas. It will spread rapidly.
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