Bermuda Vs. St. Augustine, turf battle
Russ W8 – posted 10 October 2010 12:31
It took me several seasons to figure out how to maintain a bermuda lawn after moving to Dallas from SoCal. Then my neighbor decided to replace his bermuda with St. Augustine. They creep in both directions, but I think I’m loosing the battle.
How do I control the spread of his St. Augustine without killing my bermuda?
Flash – posted 06 July 2011 08:30
I am losing the battle of keeping my neighbors St Augustine out of my Tif bermuda lawn. There used to be a spray i could use and it worked well but the government banned it’s use and I have not found any other spray that works. I have back issues so geting down and pulling the St Augustine out is out of the question. Anyone know any sprays that are available?
Russ W8 – posted 06 July 2011 08:46
I found some MSMA at an old nursery on the edge of town that was closing up shop. That is about the only thing that works if you can find it. It won’t be on the store shelves at Lowes or Home Depot or and major garden retail shop. I’ve been spraying every two weeks and the St. Ag is dying and it hasn’t hurt the Burmuda. Looks like it will take all summer to kill it and then I plan to install a physical barrier or it will just creep back.
jeffaggie – posted 01 August 2011 14:40
MSMA and Sencor work very well, or you can try quinclorac(Drive75df)if you cant find any MSMA. quinclorac will hurt the ST Aug and give the bermuda a better chance, also try mowing at a lower height, bermuda can tolerate much lower mowing heights than St Aug.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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