Bermuda runners vs St Augustine spread
charles-2009 – posted 31 July 2010 16:34
Greetings I’m in eastern Virginia on Chesapeake Bay. Historically most people have fescue lawns around here but folks are having some success with either St Augustine or Bermuda. The Virginia Tech extension people are very hot on newer Bermuda but with lots of flowerbeds in my yard won’t the runners from Bermuda drive me totally nuts?
The house where I grew up (unusual for its day) had St Augustine, and this kinda oozed into flowerbeds, whereas the “wild” Bermuda currently eating my dormant fescue is practically reaching up and grabbing my Labrador retrievers. In fact the dogs asked that I post this query as they are the primary users of the lawn.
While it was 100 degrees here this week, we do get occasional freezes and snow. Enough to send St Augustine dormant but (usually) not kill it; don’t know about newer Bermudas.
Any and all opinions on this topic will be sincerely appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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