burmuda germination
Randy in Kansas posted 17 June 2004 17:41
How long does it normally take burmuda seed to germinate? 5days, a week, 2 weeks?
[This message has been edited by Randy in Kansas (edited 18 June 2004).]
grassnut posted 18 June 2004 22:37
Hi Randy,
Well, that depends on a few factors. First, how was the seed planted? Hydroseeded or Broadcasted…. If broadcasted, how much soil was placed on top of the seed? Was it rolled to ensure good seed to soil contact? What type and how much fertilizer was used. But the biggest factor is going to be how much water did it receive? Generally, if you put no more than 1/4 inch of soil on top of the seed, give it a healthy dose of a good quality starter fertilizer and keep the seeds moist (not soaking wet, just moist) and the temps don’t go below 60 at night, you should see some action by 10 to 14 days. I have seen Bermuda germinate in as little as 5 days. I planted some last Sunday and it started germinating on Thursday. But give it 14 days before you start to worry. If you’re not irrigating and it doesnt rain, the seed will lay there (assuming no erosion) until they get moisture. Then they will crank it up.
Good luck
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