bermuda dying overnight
doggymom 1957 – posted 01 August 2004 12:49
The grass was dark green, and looked great a week ago. Now it is dying before my eyes. Many birds are on the yard. Any ideas?
ted – posted 01 August 2004 13:22
pretty general kind of description, but with the birds you would want to be on the lookout for insects, particularly grubs- need more info- where do you live, weather conditions, etc.
doggymom1957 – posted 25 August 2004 22:41
quote:Originally posted by ted:pretty general kind of description, but with the birds you would want to be on the lookout for insects, particularly grubs- need more info- where do you live, weather conditions, etc.
catepillars, green “worms”, and cinch bugs-treated with insecticide, put some iron into the yard, and it is coming back! Thanks!
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