barricade herbicide

lwebb – posted 15 June 2001 11:59

I am a superintendent in northwest florida.we have 419 bermuda in the fairways and rough. before I took over , the course had traditionaly been pre emerged with barricade in non-overseeded areas prior to overseeding,and then wall to wall in late december. In the spring it was done with regalstarII which also has barricade in it.We have been in a 3 to 4 year drought, with limited amounts of rain. Problem I have very week or non existant bermuda in several large areas. In these areas the bermuda starts to run, however when the runners put roots down, they are bulbed at about 1/4 inch in soil. Nematode count not a factor.Can barricade residual be the problem if so what alternatives can be used? thanks

seed – posted 19 June 2001 05:17

lwebb, Barricade has a longer decay curve, that is, it resides longer in the soil before breaking down, than other preemergence herbicides such as Dimension and Pendulum. The Barricade label confirms this by advising a very long delay before replanting, compared with other preemergence herbicides. You can see on the label that if high rates are used, 4 months or more must pass before overseeding.

Yes, I think that residual Barricade in the soil may be your problem, considering that repeated applications had been made, and very late in the year. You might try incorporating activated charcoal into the soil to adsorb the extra Barricade.


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