Which mower?

Maureen W – posted 15 August 2005 14:57

Hi everyone, Just got done(2 weeks ago) installing my new lawn—Celebration Bermuda. Now I need to find the right way to cut it. Someone told me that I MUST have a reel mower to cut it properly. Is this true? Should I try to locate a proffesional landscaper here in Central Florida or can I handle this on my own. Thanks for the help.

Tungsten33333 – posted 15 August 2005 16:37

Should have gotten thicker blades like Empire Zoysia or semi-dwarf St Augustine. Those type of bermuda is too much trouble to keep it looking nice. Reel mower would definitely make it look nice espically at low cutting hieght. Bermuda grass is way overrated.

Buck – posted 16 August 2005 08:35

Yep, if you want stand-out Bermuda you will need a reel mower and cut it about one inch or less. Furthermore, you will need 10 knives on the reel. Most reel mowers have 6 or 7 knives, but they are not spaced close enough together to properly clip the fine bermuda turf. McLean makes a number of models appropriate for your needs. A source is:http://www.outsidepride.com/store/catalog/Lawn-Gas-Mower-p-17542.html

You will definately want gas, not electric – takes a lot of power to move the knives through the dense turf. As for a manual reel mower – forget it. No way can you generate the force necssary just by pushing.

Invest in a quality mower and you dense finely textured turf will be the envy of the centipede/St.A owners. You invested in Bermuda, may as well take advantage of it.

alexschultz1 – posted 21 August 2005 14:31

i own a lawncare buisness and rarely use reel mowers on burmuda, but only because its high mantainense. if you want a golf course type lawn then get a reel mower, but be ready to cut your grass every 4 days. as for getting a reel mower i would suggest getting a tru-cut or a trimmer, these are commercial grade mowers. also get a bed knife or a front roller.

the most important thing of all is to make sure your grass is LEVEL, if your grass is uneven the reels will tear up everything, if its uneven topdress your yard and level the sand so its perfectly smooth. you might also need to topdress your yard anyway in spring so that your grass will be thicker and smooth

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