Where can I buy Fusilade II in Atlanta?
Tony_Atlant_ – posted 06 July 2005 12:03
I live in Atlant, and I have Bermudagrass spreading rapidly through my Zoysia in my front yard. From reading the forms here it seem as if Fusilade II is the answer to my problem. So I called Lesco to see if they had any, they did and they informed me that I had to have some type chemical license. How can I get around this license issue? Or how do I get a chemical license?On a totaly defferent issue, I was out in my front yard Sunday mourning when I saw what look like a snake crawling through my grass, but upon closer inspection I saw that it was hundreds of tiny worms crawling in unisone onto of one another like ants. They were about 2 to 3 cm long, with black heads, there bodies were brown. I don’t think they were inch worms, they crawled stright on tiny little legs. What I realy want to know is what are they and most importantly are harmful to my Zoysia lawn.
kyleinmarietta – posted 06 July 2005 17:40
If you’d like, I’ll sell you part of the gallon I bought this spring. I paid $110 for the gallon, and you’re welcome to half of it…
I live in Marietta, and you can e-mail me direct at
Another option for you would be talking to the Patten Seed Company. They sell Acclaim at $60/pint and a pint goes a long way. It costs ’em about $4.00 to mail it to Atl.
The number is: 1-800-634-1672
Tony_Atlant_ – posted 07 July 2005 14:50
Thanks, But I don’t want that much. I’m goin to give Patten Seed Company a call. How did the Fusilade II work on your yard?
How much did you have to use?
How long did it take before you saw any results, if any? Thanks. Tony
kyleinmarietta – posted 07 July 2005 18:46
My situation is using Fusilade to keep bermuda from taking over the fescue portion of my lawn. The Fusilade stunted the bermuda for 6 weeks or so after my only application, but I can’t re-apply until the summer heat is over. With Zoysia, you wouldn’t have to worry as much as I do about killing the “good” grass.
I don’t have the label handy, but I think you apply fusilade at a rate of something like 1/2 ounce per thousand square feet. A little goes a very long way. I have enough of the stuff to pass it on to my great great grandchildren… 😉
I work well outside the perimeter, and was able to pick up the Fusilade at a farm supply store. At a competing farm supply store, I also found a product (Called “over the top” I believe) that is a lower concentration of fusilade for applying in flower beds, etc. It was relatively inexpensive for a pint (or was it a quart?)… Anyway, it was much less expensive, and with dilution to the same effective level as plain ol’ fusilade, it would have gone a long way for $10 or $20…
My offer still stands. I have far more fusilade than I need and would be willing to part with some of it…
RHD – posted 10 July 2005 19:30
First, Super Sod in Atlanta is part of Patten and they have five locations around Atlanta. I am not sure why you had the problem buying Fusilade II at Lesco – I did not. Maybe you need to try another Lesco.
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