what’s in my lawn
sweetpooty – posted 11 July 2004 18:48
I think I put this in the wrong forum so I’m putting it in here too.Last fall we put fescue sod down on a slope in our yard. I took soil to the county and had a test prior. I fertilized only according to their schedule the last time in May. It has been a beautiful lawn all through the year. Now we just came out of 20 days straight of rain, high temps and humidity. I noticed the lawn starting to brown and made it out 2 times 7 days apart to apply a fungicide. After the fact of course but I’m not sure if that is all it is. I have looked for grubs and not come up with any. I am tempted to use 10-10-10 since my husband keeps saying he thinks all of the nutrients have washed out but I am trying to resist the urge. I have a good Honda mulching mower that I keep on the highest setting and mow about 2 times a week except in that rain. I usually don’t bag but have been since I noticed the problem so as not to spread it. Now do I sit and wait or do I do something. Should I rake out the dead grass that is in there or just leave it. Help, I do not want to lose this lawn.I have good pictures of the lawn and the grass stems but can’t figure out how to put them in this forum. I will send them if someone will look at them. Thanks, Mary
ted – posted 11 July 2004 21:23
if you live in an area that’s used to putting down fescue sod, then certainly you’ve had the weather conditions lately to promote brown patch disease. where do you live? don’t recommend using county extension office soil test results. Prostar is your fungicide of choice for brown patch, but only pros can apply it. if you’re seeing the brown circles with green dots in the middle, then you’re probably too late to fix it. post some pics, tell us where you live, and try to call in a pro- store bought fungicides won’t touch it.
seed – posted 12 July 2004 00:35
Mary, if you want to email me some photos of your lawn, I’ll post them on this site.
Phil, ed****@tu*******.com
seed – posted 12 July 2004 15:54
I’m going to close this topic and ask people to read the parallel thread. Phil
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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