
what kind of grass seed to put down in the Hill Country?

what kind of grass seed to put down in the Hill Country?

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Tyler – posted 26 December 2008 12:22

My wife and I built a house an acre that her family gave us. Our acre was pretty much covered by trees and had only been used by the horse. After the house was built, I was determined to landscape myself. Everything has turned out great except for the lawn. I put down many pounds of Bermuda and some of that came up. I out down many pounds of Fescue and some of that came up. I was given a lot of soil that had St. Augustine in it and that has done well in the shady areas.

Recently, I had a lawn care business come out to fertilize and get rid of all of the clover and other weeds. Unfortunately, we are in drought conditions and besides my patches of St. Augustine, Fescue, and Bermuda, I have dirt.

I am hoping the upcoming Spring will bring back normal rain and I can get some seed to come up. Does anybody have any suggestions to what kind of seed to put down in the Hill Country that can withstand shade, sun, kids, 3 dogs, and will germinate fairly easily?

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