Uncut red fescue
ClaireK – posted 09 June 2001 15:24
We are trying to establish an uncut creeping red fescue lawn with the characteristic graceful swirling patterns it gets when it lays down. The grass has been in for several years now. The last two seasons it has developed an increasing habit of producing lots of seed heads which do not lay down gracefully, but stand right up, totally uninvited.
Is this normal? Did we get some stray seed variety mixed in that has now taken over? Or is there a sterile variety of red fescue that does not go to seed?
chrisatabek – posted 17 November 2002 11:17
I have a hillside which I keep uncut, it looks beautiful, I also get the seedheads that stand up. Because my grass is so full, I pull the seadheads by hand. I don’t see any harm in this and I overseed and fertilize during the year.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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