St.augustine & weeds
Luis – posted 11 June 2004 22:21
I have a big mess in my yard,with lots of different types of grass & weeds.I seeded st.augustine & its coming in strong.How can i get rid of all the weeds in the middle of summer?Thanx in advance
Alex_in_FL – posted 12 June 2004 10:47
Atrazine and Image are your two herbicides. Spray with atrazine first then wait a week or so and spot treat. Image works on broadleafs and nutsedges and crabgrass. Image is a slow kill however (weeks not days). In a hurry? It is okay to tank mix Image and atrazine (I personally recommend using both at 75% of recommended strength not 100% if mixed together). Spray when temperature is below 85F outside.
Good luck.
ted – posted 12 June 2004 13:44
you seeded st. augustine??? need more info on that one….
Luis – posted 12 June 2004 16:26
Ted i basicly just bought the seed from Home Depot & spread it on my lawn.It took a year to come out but it did.I guess the weather here helps tremendously.I live in LA,Ca.Now i just have to control my weed problem so the runners could really take over!Thanx for the advice Alex i’ll give it a shot.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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