Should I switch to bermuda?
car421 – posted 27 August 2009 07:01
Hi, new to the forum and am looking for some help. I live just south of Charlotte, NC and am thinking of replacing my lawn with bermuda. I live on 1/3 of an acre and currently have tall fescue. It was new construction and I established the lawn over the past 3 years. This year the lawn has taken a beating from the heat and lack of rain. I do have irrigation but the lawn turned on me too fast and would have cost a fortune to water everyday, water is very expensive here. I currently have very little shade on the yard but am going to be planting some trees in the fall.The other problem is that the soil, if you want to call it that, is very hard. Is bermuda the way to go?
tommy – posted 28 August 2009 14:32
Tall fescue is better for year around color in your climate, and usually it shows good re-growth in the fall- (after a rough summer.) If its a little thin in spots, re-seed when the weather cools. Bermuda would not make a huge difference for you! It has good survival ratings in drought conditions, but drought appearance is not too good. It survives, but it doesn’t look good doing it! haha
GreatGuy – posted 31 August 2009 21:55
Bermuda is a go. That would be a great turf. It stops growing early and start growing late. less maintenance. the perfect grass.
car421 – posted 01 September 2009 14:32
So I have 1 reply to stay with the fescue and one to go to Bermuda. Still do not know what to do.
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