Poa annua
Steven – posted 02 May 2009 23:03
I have done a lot of researching on the internet about how to get rid of Poa annua. I found Prograss 1.5 EC is effective. I came across the label for this stuff and it said to not use with Zoysia, which is what I have. So now what, and why can’t I use this with Zoysia. I did try Halts pre-emergent with no luck. Each year the Poa seems to triple is size. I can’t seem to stop it and its taking over my beautiful yard.
tommy – posted 04 May 2009 10:27
Normally its a good idea to apply pre-emergent twice- once in the fall, and then again a couple of months later. Its very important to get the first application down early enough before cool weather triggers the poa growth. The timing varies depending on what part of the country your in. In my area,(Southern Cal) its right around the beginning of fall…..in colder areas in can be as early as late August.
Steven – posted 04 May 2009 23:25
Is there any particular pre-emergent that works better with Poa annua?
tommy – posted 05 May 2009 13:27
You should be ok with Scotts, as long as you keep enough of it down. If you want to put down an extra amount of weed preventer without the fertilizer, use- ‘Green light Amaze’. Its available at some garden centers, or on-line, (i think you can get it at Amazon.com) Your winter application of weed preventer does not need to have fertilizer, especially if its on dormant Zoysia or bermuda.
[This message has been edited by tommy (edited 05 May 2009).]
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