Patio /Pavers Grass Help
Drojt – posted 21 June 2003 12:06
I need some information on patio/paver grass. I am trying to develop a English garden style patio and would like to know what type of grass grows best between pavers. Location is in strong sunlight and sandy (pavers). I live in Va. and need a grass system that is sturdy but will not grow high. I was told that Zoysia was the best to use but I simply do not know. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 27 June 2003 23:47
The biggest problem with zoysia is its suh-low growth. Usually people can tolerate that when first getting it established, but later, when some fungus kills a huge patch of it, and they’re faced with a repeat of the suh-low regrowth, that’s when they get hacked off and abandon the project. And zoysia is not necessarily a low growing grass. It stacks up on itself.
Two low growing grasses are bent and bermuda. Bermuda will try to grow into everything, and it will succeed. It needs to be mowed at 1/2 to 1 inch high. That means your pavers need to be right below that. The only place I’ve seen bent is on golf courses, so I don’t know how it works around solid edges. I believe you have to have a reel mower for bent, but you were facing that issue with zoysia, too.
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