Overseeding Bentgrass
Bill in Ohio – posted 20 August 2002 07:25
Reference my previous message. I live in southern Ohio. Do you think Kentucky Tall Fescule would germinate thru the bent grass?Thanks,Bill
frenchman – posted 20 August 2002 14:47
Why would you want to overseed your bentgrass greens?
shendren – posted 13 May 2004 09:00
I am purchasing a golf course which has not been completed , It has a cpouple of fairways which are beautiful but I think are bent grass. It is my understanding that you need to Mow a lot and water to keep bent grass alive. I want to overseed with another grass that would require less maintainence. I have no intent to develop or finish the property to a golf course. I want to recreate here with my family but I dont want the fairways to tottally deterioate. Thery are very nice looking right now. what happens if you do not mow or water?
ted – posted 13 May 2004 12:57
it won’t be a beautiful fairway any more!
cohiba – posted 13 May 2004 13:39
Pure Bentgrass is a beautiful lawn. I would keep it. What height do you intend to mow the areas? Bentgrass fairways need more water and inputs to keep them nice at a lower height of cut, with increased traffic and to control thatch. If you are raising the HOC, don’t mind imperfection, and are not providing the traffic that a fairway would have: keep it bent. Bent can be mowed higher and use less water. It can put roots down really far to provide its own water(unlike poa annua). I’d say give it a season and try it on your budget. You may like it. If not overseed in September.
Let us know how you like it…….
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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