Nutsedge and grubs.
John M. Jones – posted 09 May 2006 18:53
Has any one used nematodes to rid their lawn of grubs? Does this really work or what? It is too late to use them now? I live in Florida on the east coast.Nutsedge- How do I treat this nasty weed and get rid of it once and for all??????
TexanOne – posted 14 May 2006 23:12
I’ve had good results using “Manage” herbicide on nutsedge but you will have to make several applications to get complete control. Manage is not cheap either! Nutsedge is probably the worst weed problem there is to control. I also have noticed that Monsanto has released a new herbicide “Certainty” for nutsedge control, but I don’t know anything about this product.
Nematodes are a real problem. Short of fumigation (which will destroy any existing plants), I don’t know what to tell you. An inexpensive trick you might want to try is to use the popular home-made “lawn tonic” that has been circulating on the web for years. Here’s a link to the recipe:
I don’t have a nematode problem, but both of my neighbors do. I have used this home-made lawn tonic for 3 years and I believe it works.
TexanOne – posted 14 May 2006 23:15
Sorry, I just noticed you want to introduce nematodes to get rid of grubs. I wouldn’t do it. The lawn tonic described above will really upset the grubs’ life-cycle if used without the use of chemical insecticides.
RickV – posted 16 May 2006 18:49
Does this really work? I don’t have a 10 gallon hose sprayer could I use one of those hose end sprayers and set a flow rate like so many oz. per gallon? If I can what would be the mix ratio.
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