New Floratam Sod in Shade

TampaGuy – posted 07 July 2001 23:14

I sodded my backyard 2 months ago with floratam and it is thinning out bad looks like root rot and is in shade also mushrooms are growing in it is there anything i can do to save the yard? I have had a spray service spray it twice he says it is to much shade Im in tampa and havent been watering my yard at all because its raining alot now im having the trees elavated but is there anything else to do.

wdrake – posted 08 July 2001 04:23

Refer to UF Publication “Growing Turfgrasses in the Shade”

Floratam is not the best cultivar for shade tolerance. You may see some improvement by 1. Increasing mowing height to 4 inches2. Trimming trees a. more sunlight b. improved air circulation3. Watering only when needed4.Aeriating

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