Leveling Bermuda sod with river sand/dirt mix
Maddog – posted 26 June 2002 08:21
We had a beautiful front yard until we had to relocate our septic tank drainfill lines there. The bobcat leveled the area…then we had to fix the existing sprinkler system. We leveled the dirt as best as possible and then layed the new bermuda sod on top of the dirt and extends to the original existing bermuda sod. Then, it rained alot right afterwards and created alot of holes from settling. We tried to fill in with the river sand/dirt mix but the sod has already rooted and it tore when trying to pull up to fill in underneath. So, we rolled it and put starter fertilizer on it and used the sprinkler system to water it down. Now we are at the point to try to level it out with the river sand/dirt mix…where the dips are in the yard and also where the old meets up with the new sod. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this great task?
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